
Innovative Trend! The Infidelity of the Digital User towards brands: A strategic challenge for companies

In the marketplace a buyer is commonly called a “customer”. However, just like all innovations in the Administration field and other related areas and disciplines, the term has evolved, especially when entering the digital world and the so-called “4th Digital Transformation” specifically (also known as the Fourth Intelligent Industrial Revolution originating in Germany around 2011), moving forward vertiginously until its change into the “Digital User”. We are living in the "Digital Transformation", which modifies the chain of value, logistics and supply chain of companies, and therefore, service, product distribution and customer service. In general terms, we can also talk about the “Digital Consumer”, whose profile has been the object of study by businessmen, from the collective of researchers addressing the subject, and marketing agencies, among others, which has allowed it to be defined with greater certainty , know their main characteristics, as well a...

¿Las Pymes lograrán adaptarse a los Millennials? / Will SMEs be able to adapt to Millennials?

The so-called "Generation Y", or "Generation of the Millennium", is made up of young people also colloquially called "Millennials", and several questions arise about them: When were they born? To what years does this generation belong? In what way? Will companies "work" with them by hiring them as collaborators? What is the impact that Millennials will have on SMEs? And the most important question... Will SMEs be able to adapt to their profile as individuals and as collaborators?   There are different considerations about the years in which they were born and there is no fixed agreement in this regard, however, on average they are considered mostly belonging to the corresponding period between 1980 and 1989; others point out that they were born between 1981 and 1999, or, between 1981 an d 1995, and other versions mention that their generation goes from 1982 to 1994, but regardless of the dates that vary from one to two years, the truth i...

La Procrastinación Productiva en las empresas: Por qué lo hacemos y cómo evitarlo

¿Has visto a compañeros de trabajo que con frecuencia están “socializando” en los pasillos, o a otros que no encuentran el momento “ideal” para ordenar los papeles de su escritorio, o bien, pasan tiempo en reuniones que con frecuencia son juntas larguísimas y no “atienden” su trabajo? Este comportamiento en las empresas y en la vida en general se denomina “Procrastinar”; la palabra proviene del latín “procrastinare”, que significa pro, adelante; y “crastinus”, referente al futuro. El término hace referencia a la acción de posponer o postergar una actividad que en la empresa es nuestra responsabilidad, dejándola para otro momento, para otro día, o para otra semana o fecha por cumplir; el tiempo en este tema no es tan “relevante” en sí (valga la expresión), porque lo que importa y lo que hay que destacar de manera especial, es que la tarea o actividad que se tiene que realizar se aplaza, o peor aún, no se concluye; eso definitivamente trae una afectación en la organiz...